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This versace handbags is an important part of the houses 2010 fall winter collection. As a matter of fact, the house never stops its effort to release new handbags and each piece is a merry surprise for me. Namely small, this versace bags measures 11.5" wide, 8.25" high and 3.5" deep so that the bag is modest in capacity to pack up your daily essentials. To me, the green shade is fresh and vivid, although one might argue that the grey color is more timeless for various occasions. It is just that I want to be different and try something new.
As far as I can remember, valentino replica is the most famous fashion house that concentrate on designing most exotic luxurious carryalls. It seldom uses common leather; instead, crocodile, python and other precious skin leather are wildly seen in its creations, designer handbags especially. Here I am going to introduce the nancy Gonzalez small crocodile hobo.
This ultra fine supple crocodile crafted replica louis vuitton highlights braided trim on the top handles. That is, the bag is not only luxurious as a whole but also exquisite in small detail. This fashion handbag from nancy Gonzalez features suede lining and well organization. It has one inside open pocket and one inside zip pocket. Besides, it has one inside mirror. The bag features magnetic top closure and can be carried via double top handles with 8.25" drop. Except for its luxurious exotic crocodile, the bag actually looks much understated. How do you like this bag? It is only available at a price of $2, 850.00.
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